A Theological Revolution is based on the notion that it is perfectly acceptable to think differently and not be censured by those who think commonly, so long as you arrived at that particular understanding carefully.

Independent Minority Thinker – IMT
The truth is that people just do not naturally engage in the process of change, but change is inevitable. In fact, right now, you are changing in some manner.
Why is this a necessary condition? For the simple reason of avoiding the pitfall of hasty and faulty conclusions, which, many have fallen into (no thanks to the age of suspicion that has been promulgated by social media and it’s cacophony of voices all telling you how to think, what to think and what to believe.

A Cacophony of Voices
I want to be your discovery guide—someone who does not tell you what to think but reveals certain things that will help you mature in your theological thinking. This may mean that you end up thinking apart from the way most people understand things, and that’s ok—as long as you do it responsibly.
This also may mean that you become what is uncomfortable to become—an Independent Minority Thinker—an IMT—someone who, through careful study and deep thought, has arrived at certain understandings that the majority does not believe. This is the foundation to a Theological Revolution—your very own personal Theological Revolution.
In conclusion, it is my intention that members of a Theological Revolution be referred to as IMTs (Independent Minority Thinkers).